Nikki Baillie Nikki Baillie

Narrow Based carriers...the reality

What’s the issue with narrow based carriers?

When it comes to babywearing, we applaud anyone for wanting to wear their baby and be the kind of caregiver that is responsive and close to their baby. Especially during the 4th trimester, when your little one still identifies as being part of you. Holding them often during this time (and after) has lots of positive impact for your babies development, creates a healthy and secure attachment, calms your baby during times of distress and allows you to respond to your babies needs. As well as creating lots of oxytocin between you both, which supports breastfeeding and is called the ‘love hormone’ for a reason. Oooh don’t you just love those snuggles!

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Nikki Baillie Nikki Baillie

World Book Day - Top 5 Books for Mums

World Book Day - Top 5 Books for Mums

Its world book day and lets be honest who has time to read when you have a baby?! Thankfully all of these are available in audio format, so grab your carrier, pushchair, coffee (oh and don’t forget the baby!) and have a stroll and a listen! Or dump that Netflix feeding time habit and pop your ear phones in while you feed at night.

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Nikki Baillie Nikki Baillie

Our top 5 reasons to wear your baby

Our top 5 reasons to wear your baby

This week is European Babywearing week. To celebrate, we are giving you our top 5 reasons to babywear. 

Babywearing has been around for centuries, used by our ancestors to keep little ones close while working the fields or carrying out chores. But more recently it's viewed as something only for Mums who use cloth nappies and eat vegan, hemp cookies. Reality is, it's for everyone and is an affordable, easy, safe and a very beneficial way to carry your baby/babies as well as having a huge positive impact on both baby and Parent/Caregiver. 

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Charlie Dickinson Charlie Dickinson

World Prematurity Day

I had a straightforward pregnancy and the thought of my first child arriving early hadn’t been something I had considered or even had been discussed with me. Yet at 9.30pm one Sunday night my waters broke. I was 30 +6 weeks.

We quickly made our way to the hospital, and after monitoring us they didn't seem concerned. So, we were told we would probably be sent home after 24 hours. We were left in a room waiting for the doctor that had been called to an emergency. After that things seemed to happen very quickly and the next time, we saw a midwife there was panic.

They quickly gave me a steroid injection (this helps baby's lungs to develop) and wanted to get us to the labour ward as quickly as possible. In the lift my husband said he saw the panic in the midwifes eyes as I lost control of my legs and started shaking like crazy (I was in a wheelchair). Luckily we made it up to the ward as once I laid on the bed I felt her head coming out. They had to whip my jeans off and saw she was arriving!

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Nikki Baillie Nikki Baillie

Babywearing In Winter - Our top tips

Babywearing In Winter - Our top tips

Getting out on those crisp winter days can be a real delight for both Parent and baby. Watching the leaves fall, hearing the crunch of snow beneath your feet. It’s a very special experience to wrap up close to our baby or toddler and go for a walk in the fresh air.

But If you want to babywear in winter as the weather gets colder it can be hard to know how to dress your baby or toddler while in the carrier or sling so they are not too hot or cold.

Read our top tips for what to dress your baby (and yourself in!) whilst using slings and carriers in cold weather…

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