Nikki Baillie Nikki Baillie

Forward facing - Do’s & Don’ts and why we don’t do this in classes

Hi All,

So before you read on, I thought a little bit of background might help.

When my Daughter was born nearly 8 years ago (where does the time go!) I had no idea about babywearing. No one had discussed it with me and looking back I feel sad about that. It was only via a private Midwife I met, did I find out about this magical thing called babywearing and find out there was a Sling Library right at the end of my street!

I did my Peer support training with the amazing Dr Rosie Knowles when Ellie was 5 months old and it blew my mind! During the training we touched on outward facing, however most of the carriers were not designed to outward face and If they were they were designed to keep babies legs in an ‘M Shape Position’. This is where babies knees are slightly higher than their bum, the carrier supporting knee to knee and the spine well supported.

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